Jolly Phonics is having a positive impact on literacy levels in EthiopiaProject Start Date
2014Implementing Partner
Together We Learn, Luwam Araya BahibiGovernment Partners
Amhara Regional Education Bureau
Together We Learn has been working with teachers to use synthetic phonics since 2013 and conducted its first pilots with schools in Gondar and Bishoftu in 2014. The Jolly Phonics lessons received lots of positive feedback from the education office, teachers, students and from Together We Learn's local project managers and Together We Learn were able to see a jump in the reading age of participating students after one year.
Together We Learn relaunched its partnership with Jolly Futures in 2018, with a pilot project in 10 schools in Gondar followed by 40 schools in Gondar, Debre tabor, Debre Markos and Dessie in 2019. After being affected by nationwide school closures due to Covid-19, these pilots are re-running in 2020-21. Together We Learn is also working with teacher training colleges in Gondar and Debre Tabor to pilot Jolly Phonics training for student teachers.
Together We Learn, in partnership with the Amhara Regional Education Bureau and Jolly Futures, trained Grade 1 teachers in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia in October 2022.
The talented Ethiopian trainers Elsa Kebede and Zemene Mersha were able to ensure that the training was accessible for all teachers through translation into Amharic where needed. The teachers rated the training highly and reported enjoying being active participants during the sessions. A sample of teachers, before and after the training, completed a skills test. The results indicated a significant increase in teachers abilities to identify and count sounds in words as well as explain the key skills for reading and writing.
The Regional Education Bureau (REB) supported the rollout by catering for the venue, teacher transport and feeding which maximised the impact of the training for the 400+ Grade 1 teachers who attended. The strong support from REB has continued post training through their diligent monitoring and mentoring. The training team sensitised REB Officials in Jolly Phonics as well as how to use the revolutionary smartphone monitoring app, the Jolly Monitor.
Additionally, there have been Jolly Phonics pilots in Addis Ababa city and the Tigray Region, managed by professional Jolly Phonics trainer Luwam Araya Bahlbi.

Pilots have been conducted in three regions. There is currently a pilot in Oromia that will complete in 2023. A regional rollout took place in October 2022 in Amhara.

Take a look at the project in action...
Project Reports and Documents
Ethiopia Regional Rollout Report 2022 Final.pdf
LE Early Years English Improvement Project Yr 1- Jolly Phonics Report.pdf
2022 - Together We Learn - Early Years English Improvement - Final Report docx.pdf
Amhara refresher training report (2023).pdf
Project Contacts

Luwam Araya Bahibi
Jolly Phonics Trainer and Educational ConsultantProjects: Various
Elsa Kebede
Country Director, Together We Learn – EthiopiaProjects: Amhara

Caroline Walker
Chief Executive, Together We LearnProjects: Amhara
Zemene Mersha
Projects Manager – Gondar office, Together We Learn – EthiopiaProjects: Amhara
Project Partners